Summer Sipping

by Briand Sanderson
Summer Sipping
Briand Sanderson
Photograph - Photograph
An adult male Anna's Hummingbird sips nectar from a Crocosmia flower.
August 9th, 2016
Comments (5)

Gull G
Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF AN WONDERFUL WORK!

Joy McAdams
Congratulations on placing second in the Pacific Artists Group "Your Best Work in 2016" contest, Briand! This is an incredible image!

Retta Stephenson
Simply amazing... I can almost hear the hum from the wings! Congrats on your win in the Pacific Northwest Artists group!

Mary Clough
This one is spectacular! Glorious color and detail I love thats this hummer is actually getting nectar from a flower :)
Briand Sanderson replied:
Thank you, Mary! I love the feedback! It definitely is the highlight of my day!

Joy McAdams
An amazingly detailed capture Briand. WOW. L/F
Briand Sanderson replied:
Thanks so much, Joy! I really enjoy reading comments from fans of my work!